A Little Bit of Tweaking :)

Posted on 12/08/2011 by 035893.
Categories: Uncategorized.

Scientists tested out a new drug on mice&worms while they genetically manipulated nematodes&mice, yet not worms? The nematodes&mice could run faster&for longer. Almost twice as fast.

I think it was pretty cool that they’re going to be using this drug on obeise people or people who just can’t exercise. They were also talking about using this drug on people such as handicaps to help them regain their leg strength. I think that would be a great idea so nobody would miss out on the experience to walk. I chose it because I would like to see this happen one day.

Bipolar Disorder

Posted on 10/11/2011 by 035893.
Categories: Uncategorized.


A biploar disorder or manic depression is which you have very bad mood swings & and have abdnormally high or extreme depression. According to the article, “A gene in the brain that was not previously linked to mood disorders could have a role in biopolar, depression, and schizophrenic conditions.” So they’re going to test out their hypothesis on mice. The mice with the right genes will only be tested on. So they’re going to test on the mice’s brain to see if the mice have that certain gene. Biploar disorder can lead to certain addictions, like drinking, smoking, & drugs. Their conditions can very from not very bad, to completely horrible to the point where they need to be in a mental ward. It’s so sad to see that though because the person didn’t do anything to do this. It’s completely transfered by genes. It’s not contagious.

What you found interesting about this article & why?:

According to the February 2008 issue of the journal PLoS Medicine, more prescriptions in 2007, the U.S sales of antidepressants totaled $11.9 billion, according to data from IMS Health, Inc. There is no cure to any of the conditions I’ve talked about before, only medicine to help. 1/99 births have Biploar Disorder. It’s crazy that the depression rate is going up.

Hello world!

Posted on 10/31/2008 by 035893.
Categories: Uncategorized.

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